Middle East & Israel

Netanyahu’s Dilemma

Netanyahu’s Dilemma

In a Jerusalem Post article (http://wapo.st/vvfGKI), the poor relationship  between Israel’s Netanyahu and the leaders of France and the U.S. is discussed. In fact, Obama and Sarkozi  were caught unaware when a reporter’s microphone caught segments of a private chat where they essentially crucified  Israel’s prime minister. Netanyahu is  in a tough place because  his government is a...

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Israel Might Be The Third Country to Reach the Moon!

Israel Might Be The Third Country to Reach the Moon!

Recently, my wife and I hosted a party at our apartment in NYC, which was celebrating a small team which might fulfill Israel’s desire to reach the moon, in competition with much larger nations! A video of the party can be found below: The competition was all Google’s idea: for countries to enroll  in order to reinvigorate space research! The Google competition is called Lunar X...

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Israel May Be Exposed To Nasty Iinternational Pressure

Israel May Be Exposed To Nasty Iinternational Pressure

In the New York Times, early this June 2011, David Brooks wrote about the depraved Middle East.  Syria has been a state sponsor of terror for 30 years, with habitual torture techniques (I won’t go into the sordid details).  During the past few weeks Hassad has killed more than 1,000 protestors and jailed over 10,000.  This is one of the most depraved regimes ever, yet Israel is being...

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Israel, Hamas, and Goldstone, April 2011

Israel, Hamas, and Goldstone, April 2011

It’s about time that the Goldstone/UnitedNations   2009 report of  the Israel-Hamas war,  is recognized as having been misguided (the lengthy report, sounding as though it was meticulously researched, improperly damned Israel for attacking  Gaza, claiming that Israel targeted civilians after years of Hamas rockets targeting and hitting Israeli settlements in Israel’s Negev). As...

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From the “Investigative Project on Terrorism”

From the “Investigative Project on Terrorism”

10/12/2010 [The "Investigative Project on Terrorism" is an organization dedicated to probe the past,present and possibly future effect upon the "West", of terrorism. It assumes that Islam is where most Western world terrorism is bred. FYI, the analysis below sounds factual, describing  apparent extremists. Readers must judge for themselves. It's pretty much accepted by the West and of course...

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A Spanish Reaction to the World-View of Israel

A Spanish Reaction to the World-View of Israel

The author of the discussion below, Pilar Rahola, is a  Spanish politician and journalist.   Rahola’s articles are mostly published in Spain and  Latin America, but her speech below has found its way to the U.S. The copy I saw was reprinted by David Bogner who I’ve referred to before with regard to Israeli issues; his excellent blog can be found at: ...

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Israel’s Legal Rights in the Recent Gaza Confrontation

Israel’s Legal Rights in the Recent Gaza Confrontation

The Gaza Flotilla, excellent review written by American/Israeli David Bogner Treppenwitz; parts including videos have been left out). The “Freedom Flotilla” was on its way to the Gaza Strip with several boats.  The vessels, flying the flags of the United States, Turkey, Greece, Comoros, Sweden, and Kiribati, set sail toward the Gaza Strip despite warnings by the Israeli military.  An...

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Israel TED

Last week we were lucky to be invited to TEDxTelAviv, yet another new innovatory event based upon the famous TED conference which I have been going to, on and off, for over 15 years. TED was founded by one of the most creative people I ever knew, Richard Saul Wurman who called himself an Information Architect and wrote many innovative books (I still use his remarkable travel guides). Chris...

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Israel’s Success Dependent on Internal Unity and US Support

I can only assume that the Jerusalem Post’s editor-in-chief, David Horowitz, represents thinking of the current Israel Government in his Independence Day (4/19/10) editorial. In a subsequent post I’ll present the opposition’s position. These taken together absolutely astounded me, and I think this post and the following one in this section should be read sequentially. Horowitz...

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Israel-USA: Worst-Case Scenario

I recently wrote a negative scenario of our country’s future. A similar future scenario exists for Israel, in fact the world has become very sensitive to Israel’s future prospects, many for, but more against. I’d like to present the danger which faces Israel, a summary based mostly upon a March 31 article in the New York Times by Gary Bass called “When Israel and France...

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Hillary Clinton Speech; Israel-USA Rift

Excerpted from David Horovitz, J.Post: For all its honey coating, the Secretary of State’s speech was replete with advice and demands…lectured on the untenability of the status quo, as though this was news to Israel….urged Israelis to take risks and seek new avenues to peace, as though Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert had not sought compromise, but then been ...

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